Johannes Itten
In 1965 Johannes Itten received the Sikkens Prize for his fundamental contribution to the integration of space and colour as the basis of the Vorkurs of the Bauhaus and for his contribution to the theory of color in Kunst der Farbe.
Integration of space and colour
Johannes Itten was honoured for his fundamental contribution to the integration of space and colour as the basis of the Vorkurs of the Bauhaus in Weimar during the years 1919-1923, and for his contribution to the theory of colour which he described in the standard work Kunst der Farbe.
Award ceremony
Willem Sandberg awarded the prize and addressed a few words to him. Sandberg had known Itten since 1922 when they met at the Mazdaznan Natural Healing Movement in Switzerland, where Itten gave spiritual drawing lessons to his Bauhaus students, in which Sandberg also participated.